This private service and consultation package is for members which included expansive education, consultation, and guidance from start to finish in correcting your status to that of a non-citizen national/national, and State Citizen, and claiming your BIRTH CERTIFICATE, your ESTATE, ASSETS, SECURITIES, BONDS, withheld INTEREST, ENTITLEMENTS, PROCEEDS, invoking equity, exercising your right to set-off, discharge, and recoupment, rebutting any presumptions, exercising your unalienable rights, comprehending contract law, trust law, banking, taxes, Code, Statutes, Law, monetary policy, regulations, and truly ascending to sui juris, in propria persona.
Anyone pursuing this path to enlightenment with 1/2 effort or malicious intent will inevitably fail and encounter issues. You must remain in honor, do the work, learn, remain honest, and not commit perjury. This service package includes access to our Attorney(ies) In Fact and custom drafted documents which allow One to claim their entire ESTATE and gain true control over it and all assets, public and private, tangible and intangible.
As long as you are operating with in honor clean hands, and in accordance with the law, and have standing, we guarantee we can assist you in gaining control of the ESTATE(S) you are entitled to.
- Over 250 hours of time dedicated to your ESTATE by our Attorney(ies) In Fact, ensuring you get the results you are entitled to.
- 1,000 pages of custom tailored and made documents needed to correct your status, the status of the franchise/trust/straw man, the Social Security number, Passport, Driver’s License, and all other contracts, known and invisible, and also to establish your private bank, your ESTATE, your private banker, correct records with various agencies, CLAIM ALL ASSETS, and also setup a private UCC Contract Trust account.
- Access to our Attorney(ies) In Fact for consultations and guidance throughout the entire process.
- Access to ALL documents, pdfs, templates, classes, seminars, video calls, community calls, and resources.
- UCC filings.
- IRS filings.
- Secretary of State filings
- U.S. Treasury filings.
- national/non-citizen national filings.
- passport filings as “non-citizen national/national”.
- right to travel consultation and package, including PRIVATE plates for your private automobile/transport. (“Registration” of a private automobile, not engaged in commerce, or for hire, is not “required.” i.e. a “DOT” number “registering your automobile as private is voluntary.
What is the different between a private citizen, non-citizen national, State Citizen, Secured Party/Secured Creditor, Non-Resident Alien, and a U.S. citizen/citizen of the United States/Ens Legis/Legal Person/Straw man/Artificial Entity ?
- private citizen – is a private, living, breathing, man or woman whom is private and not subject to the jurisdiction thereof of the governed or by any de facto corporation like the U.S. Corporation or its subsidiaries like STATE OF CALIFORNIA, STATE OF TEXAS, etc.
- national/non-citizen national/national of the United States – a private citizen of anywhere in America; North or South America, anywhere whatsoever — can be on Indian territory/Tribal territory in Canada or Mexico; or you can be a resident of your city, located at one of the sovereign republic states, without interfacing jurisdiction in the Corporation “UNITED STATES.”
- State Citizen – an American National who is not an Indian, not from Canada, not from Mexico or South America or Caribbean. A State Citizen is one who is domiciled in the republic common law of California (Californian), Texas (Texan), Washington (Washatonian), New York, etc..
- Non-Resident Alien [with respect to the UNITED STATES (corporation)] – means you are residing in the republic, and in the view of the UNITED STATES (corporation), you are not residing in their jurisdiction, so they have no territorial jurisdiction; by being an alien (foreigner), they also do not have in personum jurisdiction.
- Secured Party/Secured Creditor (“SPC” or “SPSC”) – someone who is Creditor and whom controls, owns, and has a peculiar interest and/or lien on a U.S. Citizen and all of the U.S. citizen’s assets (tangible and intangible). A secured party is the “holder in due course” of the BIRTH CERTIFICATE/BANK NOTE (prima face evidence of a pledge, contract, registration, and