All loans, mortgages, credit cards, and other debt instruments and/or securities are a result of a living breathing man or woman, autogrpahing (not signing) a note, promissory note, deed, trust document, or other debt instrument. The monetary system has been like this since 1933.
If an American (non-citizen National) demands to see the documents from closing, those documents would easily reveal the Buyer (American) is the source of the Credit being used via the Treasury to acquire the secure property. The American, using their Ens legis/Franchise/Trust/Artficial Entity as a front man for the public (Strawman/Stramineus Homo), their SSN, and their promise to pay, is the soruce.
In this course the very experiecned Jean Keating, breaks down Mortgages, forms 1099-OID, 1099-A, publication 1212 from the IRS, and exactly how the banks are stealing American’s credit and wealth.
- 1 Section
- 1 Lesson
- Lifetime
- Detailed Discussion of form 1099-OID, Mortgages, and Publication 1212A masterful discussion on how Banks never lend any money to Americans, how they steal their credits.1