According to fraudulent documents recorded with Riverside County ASSESSOR CLERK-RECORDER, Peter Aldana, it has been VERIFIED by more than one man and/or woman, and more than one national/non-citizen national/national of the United States, and more than one State Citizen, that the “COMPANIES” known as AFFINIA DEFAULT Services, alongside WELLS FARGO, and SIERRA PACIFIC MORTGAGE, in collaboration with RECON DEFAULT Services, are engaging in a pattern of illegally stealing homes from rightful property owners. These companies, without any legal standing, are committing serious crimes, including fraud, extortion, coercion, and deprivation of rights under the color of law, by attempting to sell properties in Riverside and Los Angeles County. This scheme harms and injures every national, non-citizen national, American, internationally protected person, and national of the United States who is a private property owner or trustee.
Due to the majority of the public not being educated on monetary policy, contract law, trust law, commerce, securities, equity, taxes, estate planning, and banking these fraudsters are filing a fraudulent “NOTICE OF INTENT TO SELL ” and/or “NOTICE OF TRUSTEE SALE,” under the color of law. These fraudsters pretend to be the TRUE Creditor and holder in due course of the NOTE and/or DEED OF TRUST (which gives the holder standing and the authority and capacity to control the subject property) however, this is all a lie and blatant fraud. These men and women are being deprived of their rights, title, and interest “under the color of law.”
It is a known fact amongst the banking and law communities credit is assigned when a man or woman indorses a debt instrument such as a BOND, NOTE, DRAFT, BILL OF EXCHANGE, CHECK, MONEY ORDER, LAWFUL ORDER FOR MONEY, LETTER OF CREDIT, or other SECURITY, CURRENCY, or ASSET.
That means the very asset these fraudsters are claiming they are the holder of, are not theirs at all.
- The COMPANIES did not create the NOTE. The man or woman they are foreclosing on did.
- The COMPANIES did not create the DEED OF TRUST. The man or woman they are foreclosing on did.
- The COMPANIES are not the true “holder in due course.” The man or woman they are foreclosing on actually is.
Even when noticed by way of Administrative Procedure, Registered Mail, Unrebutted Commercial Affidavits, Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) Filings, IRS forms 1099-A, 1099-OID, 1099-C, 1099-B, 3949-A, and more, these fraudster companies willfully and intentionally ignore due contract terms, stipulations, public policy, due process, the Law, regulations, and the Constitution and the fraudster companies continue to bombard private citizens with various fraudulent documents and filings, where these fraudster threaten to sell and seize private property being held in a private trusts.
Regardless of the complaints to the IRS, Attorney General, District Attorney, U.S. Treasury, and Congress, these clearly fraudulent and bad faith actions are allowed to continue, thus also continuing the irreparable injury and harm that Americans are sustaining every day.
The Fraudulent “TRUSTEE SALE” and “Standing”:
In a trustee sale, typically initiated during foreclosure, the trustee is tasked with selling the property to satisfy a debt. However, if the property is held in a non-statutory private trust, and/or the trustee of that trust is not a party to the foreclosure or