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Bond. In every case a bond represents debt – its holder is a creditor of

the corporation and not a part owner as is the shareholder.
The word “bond” is sometimes used more broadly to refer also to unsecured debt instruments.

[Definitions used here are generally from Black’s 6th]

1) Bond supporting credit authorizations
This bond is the debt side of the implied contract that resulted when your grandparents took all their gold to the

Federal Reserve Banks by May 1, 1933.

A bond is always evidence of a debt.

It can be a liability to the deb tor or an asset to the creditor.

This bond is also the implied debt that resulted when you applied for a birth certificate for new entities (straw men) you requested that the States create when you had your babies. You put a description of your baby on the application. This tied the baby and the straw man together as long as the described baby man lived. When the man dies, the straw man is terminated by the State with a Death Certificate. It has no commercial energy without the man.

Straw man: A “front”; a third party who is put up in name only to take part in a transaction. Nominal party to a transaction; one (JOHN) who acts as an agent for another (John) for the purposes of taking title to real property and executing whatever documents and instruments the principal (John) may direct respecting the property. Person (JOHN) who purchases property for another (John) to conceal identity or real purchaser or to accomplish something that is otherwise not allowed. [Can’t mix public and private!]

Implied Partnership: One which is not a real partnership but which is recognized by the court as such because of the conduct of the parties [the defendant trust you as trustee, as the defendant’s surety];
In effect, the parties are estopped from denying the existence of a partnership. [That is a dishonor.]

This bond is also the implied debt that resulted when you applied for a title to a car, a mortgage, or any other Loan that resulted in collateral being registered with the State.

You cannot be required to pledge your substance, but you can voluntarily pledge it to help the UD through its bankruptcy status.

Pledge: Abailment
Bailment: A delivery of goods or personal property, by one person (bailor) [strawman] to another

(bailee) [State or UD], in