The Loan and Mortgage Illusion: How Your Signature Creates Money/Monetary Instruments and The Hidden Truth About Mortgages, Loans, and Banking: Episode 21

Business, Constitution, Education, Intangibles, Law/Legal, Legal, News, Realworldfare, Remedy, Securities, Sovereigns, Strawman/Artifical Entity/Legal Fiction, Tips, Trust

In this eye-opening episode of RealWorldFare, we break down the hidden truth about promissory notes, banking, and financial transactions that most people never question. When you sign a promissory note, are you really borrowing money—or funding the entire transaction yourself?

Citizenship in the united States of America: United States citizens, non-citizen Nationals, Secured Party, and Non-Resident Alien

Constitution, Education, Intangibles, Law/Legal, Realworldfare, Remedy, Sovereigns, Strawman/Artifical Entity/Legal Fiction

  Private Citizen – is someone who is private and not governed by any de facto corporation like the U.S. […]

How a UCC-3 Can Perfect a Security Interest by Amending the UCC-1

Constitution, Education, Intangibles, News, Remedy, Securities, Sovereigns, Strawman/Artifical Entity/Legal Fiction, Trust, Wealth

A UCC-3 Amendment allows secured parties to update an existing UCC-1 Financing Statement to include additional collateral. This process ensures that the newly added assets are perfected and legally protected under the original filing. By amending rather than filing a new UCC-1, the secured party maintains the continuity of the original filing while expanding its scope. The amendment must clearly describe the new collateral and be filed in the appropriate jurisdiction to ensure the perfection of the security interest. This approach streamlines the process while securing the updated assets.