Sworn Affidavits Uncover RICO Violations: Naji Doumit, FOCUS ESTATES, and Barry Lee O’Connor & Associates’ Mortgage Fraud Scheme Exposed

Business, Constitution, Education, Intangibles, Law/Legal, News, Passive Income, Realworldfare, Remedy, Securities, Sovereigns, Strawman/Artifical Entity/Legal Fiction, Trust

Sworn affidavits reveal a massive real estate fraud scheme, exposing Naji Doumit, Barry Lee O’Connor & Associates, and MARINAJ PROPERTIES for RICO violations, fraudulent foreclosures, and property theft. Discover how fake Trustee’s Deeds and unlawful court filings were used to seize properties illegally.

Wells Fargo’s Obvious Fraud Exposed as Unrebutted Affidavits Demand $1 Billion Summary Judgment

Constitution, Education, Intangibles, Law/Legal, News, Passive Income, Remedy, Securities, Sovereigns, Strawman/Artifical Entity/Legal Fiction, Tips, Trust

Wells Fargo is now subject to a Demand for Summary Judgment after failing to rebut sworn affidavits, thereby admitting—by operation of law—to fraud, dishonor, and lack of standing. Under California law, summary judgment is mandatory when no triable issue of fact exists, and Wells Fargo’s silence serves as a legal admission of liability. This case highlights the bank’s documented history of foreclosure fraud, echoing past rulings where courts have dismissed their claims with prejudice.

The Intricacies of Intangible Assets: Fractionalization and Securitization in Modern Finance

$MILK, Bitcoin, Business, Cardano, Crypto, Education, Intangibles, Law/Legal, News, NFT, Passive Income, Trading, XRP

Intangible assets, though lacking physical form, are the bedrock of contemporary finance. They range from Federal Reserve Notes—our cash in […]