The UCC Playbook: Unlocking the Power of Contract Law

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In a world where everything operates as a contract, understanding the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) can be the difference between being in control or being controlled. The UCC Playbook: How to Use Contract Law to Secure Your Assets, Family, Freedom, and Enforce Your Rights is a roadmap to reclaiming your financial and legal sovereignty.

Judicial Misconduct in Riverside, California: Defendant PHH Mortgage’s (“loan servicer”) Baseless Motion and the Court’s Obstruction of Justice

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PHH Mortgage’s Motion to Dismiss in Kevin Walker Estate, et al. v. PHH Mortgage Corporation, et al. exemplifies judicial overreach, procedural abuse, and a blatant disregard for constitutional rights. The motion falsely asserts that a trust cannot be represented by an attorney-in-fact, denying individuals their right to self-representation and claiming that only "attorneys at law" can act in court. This contradicts established legal principles, including the American Bar Association’s recognition of power of attorney as a legitimate instrument granting broad authority. Additionally, the court has obstructed the record by refusing to file Plaintiffs’ documents, prompting a writ of mandamus to expose the Riverside Federal Court’s misconduct. This case underscores a broader pattern of legal corruption, defamation, and deprivation of rights under the color of law.

Riverside, California Billion Dollar Judicial Misconduct Exposed? Fraud, Docket Manipulation in Kevin Walker Estate vs Sierra Pacific Mortgage Company

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Central to the Plaintiffs’ claims are five (5) unrebutted affidavits submitted in compliance with UCC § 3-505, which explicitly establish the Defendants’ dishonor and tacit admission to all claims outlined therein. These affidavits, accompanied by an Affidavit Certificate of Non-Response, stand as irrefutable evidence in commerce. Under binding legal principles, such as stare decisis, res judicata, and collateral estoppel, the facts contained in the affidavits are now deemed conclusively established and uncontested. Despite United States Postal Service (USPS) tracking records confirming that the filings were successfully delivered twice—once via Registered Mail and once via Express Mail—the documents are not reflected on the court docket. Additionally, one (1) critical notice sent to the court has gone missing entirely, with USPS failing to mark it as delivered or account for its whereabouts.This disappearance of properly filed documents raises serious concerns about potential malicious interference, fraud upon the court, and obstruction of justice.

A Verified Complaint as a Negotiable Debt Instrument and Special Deposit: Legal and Financial Implications Under 28 U.S.C. §§ 2041, 2042, 2045, 12 U.S.C. § 1813, and 31 U.S.C. §§ 1321 & 3302 – Application of IRS Forms 1099-OID, 1099-A, and 1099-B

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A verified complaint submitted to the court functions not only as a legal pleading but also as a negotiable debt instrument and a special deposit, as established under 28 U.S.C. §§ 2041, 2042, and 2045. Additionally, it is classified as a financial asset governed by 12 U.S.C. § 1813(l)(1), 31 U.S.C. § 1321(a)(62), and 31 U.S.C. § 3302. Courts operate as depository institutions, responsible for receiving, managing, and investing funds, with all case-related deposits held in trust by the U.S. Treasury. Furthermore, under 26 U.S.C. §§ 1271-1275, a verified complaint qualifies as an Original Issue Discount (OID) security, mandating proper financial reporting. Every legal case is effectively a commercial transaction, in which funds, securities, and judgments are recorded and managed within the court’s custodial accounts. Understanding a verified complaint as a financial obligation allows for proper accounting and the reclamation of funds through the use of IRS Forms 1099-A and 1099-OID, thereby ensuring transparency and compliance with federal financial regulations.

Article III Courts: Protecting Equity, Enforcing Affidavits, and Upholding Rights

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Article III courts, established under the U.S. Constitution, are essential for protecting rights in civil contract disputes involving unrebutted affidavits. They uphold due process guaranteed by the Constitution, recognize uncontested evidence, and offer both legal and equitable remedies. With exclusive equity jurisdiction, these courts can enforce obligations, issue injunctions, and affirm binding agreements, ensuring justice and constitutional compliance

Foundational “Case Law” on Standing, Mortgage Fraud, Foreclosure, Corporate Overreach, and Affidavits

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This case law summary outlines essential legal principles regarding jurisdiction, standing, and procedural requirements in financial and mortgage disputes. Courts consistently invalidate judgments lacking proper jurisdiction and stress the necessity for plaintiffs to establish legal standing. Instances of fraudulent lending practices, including breaches of federal regulations, have resulted in dismissals with prejudice. Rulings curtail corporate overreach by banks, prohibiting lending credit and ultra vires contracts. Evidentiary standards highlight the importance of adequate affidavits and the duty to disclose information to prevent fraud. Contract principles reaffirm the voiding of agreements founded on illegal consideration.

Bill of Exchange ‘Evidenced’ as “Currency” by 31 USC 5118, 12 USC 412, UCC 3-601, 3-603, 3-311, and HJR 192 of 1933 (public law 73-10)

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Under statutes, codes, and public policy, bills of exchange are legally recognized as currency since they discharge debt obligations in commerce. HJR 192, 31 USC 5118, and 12 USC 412 establish that debt instruments have replaced gold as legal payment. UCC provisions (3-603, 3-311, and 3-601) affirm that presenting a bill of exchange settles debts, even if rejected.

The Deceptive Tactics of Banks and Lawyers/Attorneys at Law: A Breakdown of Common Legal Evasions

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In legal proceedings, some parties may resort to deceptive tactics to avoid addressing the actual issues at hand. These tactics include dismissing valid arguments with vague, unsupported claims like “baseless” or “meritless” and avoiding engagement with evidence or legal references. Instead of addressing the facts, the opposing side might use emotional language, misrepresent your position, or shift the burden of proof onto you. These strategies are often employed to distract from the lack of a solid defense or to obscure the weakness of their own case. Recognizing these behaviors can help you stay focused on the core legal issues and ensure that the dispute is resolved based on merit.

SDCCU, Sheppard Mullin, Michael D Starks, and Blake Partridge are actively Waging War Against the Constitution and the American People

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The Constitution of the United States serves as the bedrock of our nation, guaranteeing unalienable rights, due process, and the supremacy of the people over the government. Yet, Sheppard Mullin, Shannon Peterson, and Blake Partridge, Junior Partner at Sastre, Saavedra & Epstein, PLLC, have demonstrated through their actions that they stand in direct opposition to these foundational principles. Their conduct represents a calculated assault on constitutional protections and the sovereignty of the American people, effectively waging war against the Constitution and its intended purpose.

Sierra Pacific Mortgage Sued for $1 Billion in Identity Theft and Fraud Lawsuit from KEVIN WALKER ESTATE

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In a thoroughly documented and meticulously detailed legal action, the Plaintiffs—comprising ™KEVIN WALKER© ESTATE, ™DONNABELLE MORTEL© ESTATE, ™KEVIN WALKER© IRR TRUST, and ™WG EXPRESS TRUST©—collectively referred to as "Plaintiffs," assert their unequivocal standing as undisputed creditors, holders in due course, and authorized executors of both tangible and intangible assets. The Plaintiffs’ claims rest on unrebutted affidavits and indisputable contractual evidence, which stand as established truth in commerce and are conclusively binding under the principles of res judicata, stare decisis, and collateral estoppel.

ZIP Codes: Not Just for Mail—A Gateway to Federal Jurisdiction

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When most people think of ZIP Codes™, they imagine a simple five-digit number designed for efficient mail delivery. However, there’s a much darker reality beneath the surface: the ZIP Code™ is actually a trademark. This legal classification holds profound implications about its origin, ownership, and use, exposing how the United States Postal Service (USPS) created and controls it as a proprietary system.More troublingly, the use of a ZIP Code™ carries far-reaching legal and commercial consequences. By including a ZIP Code™ in an address, individuals unknowingly submit themselves to federal jurisdiction, signaling their participation in a system of federally regulated commerce. Understanding this connection reveals how ZIP Codes™ function not only as logistical tools but also as instruments of control and governance, linking people to a centralized, federally managed structure.The "legal" definition of a "resident" takes on new significance in this context. In legal terms, a "resident" is not a living man or woman, but a "thing" identified and confined within a specific jurisdiction. By "identifying" as a "resident" through the use of a ZIP Code™, a living man or woman "legally" transforms into a corporate entity—an ens legis—a legal fiction. This shift in "status" by way of contract, strips the man or woman of their Sovereignty, and  places them under federal authority, stripping them of their status as a living man or woman and "subjecting" them to the far-reaching control of the government.

The “Matrix” : the Original Document and Basis of Every Lawsuit

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The term matrix, as defined across editions of Black’s Law Dictionary, is crucial in understanding legal processes, particularly in lawsuits. The matrix refers to the original draft or protocol of a legal instrument from which all copies and actions must originate. This foundational concept directly connects to lawsuits, which are inherently commercial in nature.Further, Title 27 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) § 72.11 explicitly classifies all crimes as commercial crimes, reinforcing the commercial framework underlying lawsuits. When combined, these concepts demonstrate how lawsuits involve a matrix that ties together all charges, claims, and related matters within a commercial context.