Anyone Can Choose to Reclaim Their Wealth and Life with the Secured Party/ Secure Creditor Process

Education, Intangibles, Law/Legal, Realworldfare, Securities, Sovereigns, Wealth

When you were born, you were born a Live – living, breathing, flesh-and-blood human being, and considered SOVEREIGN! If you […]

Everything is a Trust: Birth Certificate, Drivers License, Deeds, Mortgages, Loans, Credit Cards

Business, Education, Intangibles, Law/Legal, News, Realworldfare, Sovereigns, Tips, Wealth

TRUSTS: Where Fraud is seemingly permissible by the courts, government, and public servants/trustees. TRUST. – In General  A right of […]

The Dual Realms of Public Debt and Private Credit: Understanding the Unseen Financial Divide

Business, Law/Legal, Legal, News

In the realm of financial obligations, there is a fundamental principle that separates the tangible from the intangible, the government-created […]