Fraud, Embezzlement, Treason in Riverside County, California: How to Challenge a Notice of Default and Intent to Sell

Business, Constitution, Education, Intangibles, Law/Legal, News, Realworldfare, Remedy, Securities, Sovereigns, Strawman/Artifical Entity/Legal Fiction, Trust, Wealth

All contracts with the government are fundamentally voluntary, allowing every man and woman to stand on their rights and exemptions as private citizens. When proceeding, In Propria Persona, sui juris, One can reserve their natural common law right not to be compelled to perform under any contract that they did not enter into knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally. One can not be forced to accept the liability associated with any compelled and pretended "benefit" of any hidden or unrevealed contract or commercial agreement. As such, the hidden or unrevealed contracts that supposedly create obligations to perform, for persons of "subject status," are inapplicable to private citizens/non-citizen nationals/nationals/State Citizens/nationals of the United States, and are null and void.

BILLS OF EXCHANGE can Lawfully Be Used to Setoff, Discharge, and/or Tender Payment for Contract to Buy Vehicle

Business, Education, Intangibles, Law/Legal, News, Realworldfare, Remedy, Securities, Strawman/Artifical Entity/Legal Fiction, Trust, Wealth

While many Americans struggle to make car payments and/or struggle to save up to buy their dream cars, they are […]

Anyone Can Choose to Reclaim Their Wealth and Life with the Secured Party/ Secure Creditor Process

Education, Intangibles, Law/Legal, Realworldfare, Securities, Sovereigns, Wealth

When you were born, you were born a Live – living, breathing, flesh-and-blood human being, and considered SOVEREIGN! If you […]

MANIFESTO OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (1847/48)

Business, Education, Law/Legal, News, Realworldfare, Sovereigns

  MANIFESTO OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (1847/48) From McLellan: “The Communist League, linking the main […]

Everything is a Trust: Birth Certificate, Drivers License, Deeds, Mortgages, Loans, Credit Cards

Business, Education, Intangibles, Law/Legal, News, Realworldfare, Sovereigns, Tips, Wealth

TRUSTS: Where Fraud is seemingly permissible by the courts, government, and public servants/trustees. TRUST. – In General  A right of […]

Double Entry Bookkeeping: The Role of Intangibles and Their Securitization

Business, Intangibles, Law/Legal, News, Trading, Wealth

Double entry bookkeeping, the standard method for recording financial transactions, hinges on balancing two sides: debits and credits. Within this […]

The Dual Realms of Public Debt and Private Credit: Understanding the Unseen Financial Divide

Business, Law/Legal, Legal, News

In the realm of financial obligations, there is a fundamental principle that separates the tangible from the intangible, the government-created […]

The Intricacies of Intangible Assets: Fractionalization and Securitization in Modern Finance

$MILK, Bitcoin, Business, Cardano, Crypto, Education, Intangibles, Law/Legal, News, NFT, Passive Income, Trading, XRP

Intangible assets, though lacking physical form, are the bedrock of contemporary finance. They range from Federal Reserve Notes—our cash in […]